Capacity chart


Space Banquet Banquet/Dance Theatre Cocktail Other
Pumping Station Boiler House
380 m2
260 220 250 350 Family Day 1000 pax
(All Pumping Station)
Pumping Station Engine Room
350 m2
100 80 - 200 Wedding ceremony 150
Melbourne Planetarium foyer
420 m2
130 90 40 200 -
Melbourne Planetarium dome
420 m2
200 - - 150 Reclining chairs
Main Exhibition Gallery - 120 - 600  
Conference Room
140 m2
- - - - Boardroom 25
Helen R Quinn Energy Lab
114 m2
- - 120 - -
Lightning Room
120 m2
- - 114 - -
Scienceworks Arena
2700 m2
300 - - 1000 Family Days 2000 pax

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