light with movement


30 to 45 minutes
General information
Ages 8+
Includes museum entry
Adult $25
Senior $20
Child/Concession $10
Member $8

For thousands of years we have looked to the stars at night in wonder and awe.

Their mysteries have inspired curiosity across all cultures and civilisations.

Narrated by multi-award-winning Australian actress Sigrid Thornton, Starlight is told through the eyes of Margaret, as she steps back in time to relive childhood fears of the dark that awoke her curiosity about the night sky. Join Margaret as she takes you on an out-of-this-world journey to discover constellations and ancient cultures, the birth and death of a star and the inner workings of our Sun.

Starlight features stunning fulldome visualisations of being inside a supernova explosion and drifting through a stellar nursery, a rich gaseous nebula that is collapsing into stars.

All Planetarium sessions include a presenter-led What’s in the sky tonight? presentation.

Please note: sessions during school hours may include school groups.


  • July 2024

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