1950s powerboat in the museum's collection store

Collection Store Guided Walk

General information
30 minutes duration
Book on arrival
Included with museum entry
Adult $15
Child Free
Member Free

Discover the rare and unique objects collected by Museums Victoria over the last 150 years with on a behind-the-scenes tour of the Scienceworks Collection Store.

Museums Victoria's collection comprises over 15 million objects, far more than can be displayed, and over 40,000 of them are stored at Scienceworks.

Walk through the collection store, where historical treasures are stacked on shelves that reach to the roof. You'll see cars, motorcycles, equipment from TV history, miniature windmills, cannons and more.

Hear stories of rare and unique collection objects and learn about how we preserve the collection for the generations to come.

Meet your guide near the Information Desk.

Please note: Numbers are limited and no photography is allowed. Guided walks run subject to guide availability and weather conditions.


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