Contemporary Space Science

Teacher professional learning

Tuesday 6 August 2024, 4:30 to 6:30pm
$30 Museum Teachers
$40 for non Museum Teachers

What’s happening in space, and how can we make it exciting and relevant in our classrooms?

It’s been over 50 years since the moon landing and the Apollo missions, but innovation in space science never stops. What’s happening now in space exploration and how can we engage students with it?

Program covers

  • Ways Scienceworks has integrated modern space exploration into our programs
  • Ways Australia is involved in space exploration and contemporary space science

Teachers will be provided

  • Strategies to use space science in the classroom to develop students’ sense of wonder and curiosity
  • Links to contemporary space science resources

curriculum links

  • Earth and Space Sciences
  • Physical Sciences
  • Science as a Human Endeavour

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