Artificial Intelligence in Education

Teacher professional learning

Thursday 21 March 2024, 4:30 to 6:30pm
$30 Museum Teachers
$40 for non Museum Teachers

Join the Scienceworks Education team for an opportunity for Teachers to learn about and discuss Artificial Intelligence and its use across different sectors, including education.

AI is everywhere, and its impacts show no signs of slowing down. From generative platforms like OpenAI’s Chat GPT, to self-driving cars and intelligent robots to improve health care, AI is redefining an era of technological innovation, transforming how we live, work and experience the world.

Don't miss this chance to learn about AI and discuss the use of AI in education with like-minded educators.

Program covers

  • How to teach students about AI
  • How to use AI in your own teaching practice

Teachers will be provided

  • with useful AI tools for the classroom
  • with the opportunity to hear how other teachers are using AI

Curriculum links

  • Digital Technologies: Data and Information
  • Digital Technologies: Creating Digital Solutions
  • Ethical Capability

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