School visit information

A group of school children getting ready to go into Scienceworks.
Students entering via the Scienceworks School entrance.

 Education bookings

All school groups require an education booking for entry. A small education service fee applies to all education bookings, including tertiary education groups. Education bookings guarantee access to our exhibitions, education programs and other activities.

How do I make an education booking?

  1. Explore our education programs by learning area or year level to find programs that align with the interests of your students and are suitable for the size of your group.

  2. To secure your education booking, contact our bookings office on
    13 11 02. The bookings office operates from 9 am to 4:30 pm, daily.

When do bookings open?

Bookings for the new year will open on 1 December. Bookings for the year can be made at any time and are subject to availability.


Teachers and supervisors are admitted free at recommended ratios of 1:3 for preschool groups, 1:5 for primary groups, 1:10 for secondary groups, and 1:20 for tertiary groups. For clarity our Education Bookings team can assist.

Schools have the flexibility to bring a varying number of teachers or supervisors beyond the suggested ratios. However, should schools opt to bring extra teachers and supervisors, additional charges will be incurred.


Pre-booked education groups and their supervisors don't need to pay admission to Scienceworks.

We do charge an education service fee:

  • $25 for groups less than 10 students
  • $45 for groups of 10–50 students
  • $65 for groups of 51–100 students
  • $1 per student for groups of 101+ students

The education service fee covers the administrative expenses associated with booking and ensuring a seamless on-site experience for your students.

Shows and programs led by museum staff have an additional fee per student. You'll find this fee on the individual program listings.


We will email the school a tax invoice for the full amount on the day of your visit. Payment must be made within two weeks after your visit. We are unable to process payments in advance of the visit.

Getting here by public transport

Save on transport costs, Scienceworks is easily accessible by public transport!

Plan your trip using Public Transport Victoria's Journey Planner. Please check the third-party website of your chosen transport mode for up-to-date information.

Transport options include:

Public transport via train (Werribee and Williamstown Lines) to Spotswood; allow for a 10 minute walk.
Ferry available daily from Fisherman's Bend – Westgate Punt.


Please arrive at the designated time stated in your booking confirmation and organise into your groups for the day before entering via the Schools Entry on the lower ground level. Our staff will be on hand to provide assistance.

Coaches and minibuses can offload students at the designated zone on Booker Street, near the museum banners. Buses can park in the overflow car park next to Grazeland.

Student lunches and bags

Please refrain from bringing school bags to Scienceworks. Instead, bring large containers to store your lunches and drinks in until it's time for lunch. Scienceworks has lunch spots suitable for all weathers and a cafe if you'd like to buy lunch or snacks.

Autism-friendly museum

Scienceworks provides social scripts for students on the autism spectrum to help them prepare for their visit.

A colour-coded printout of a sensory friendly map of Scienceworks (PDF, 455KB) may also be useful.

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