
Our Living Climate

Terms 1 and 4, Monday to Friday
45 minutes in the Planetarium
Year level
Years 5 to 10
Minmum student numbers
Minimum 15 students
Maximum student numbers
Maximum 150 students
$9 per student + education service fee
Booking information
Bookings 13 11 02

This show presents a dramatic and different  way of looking at climate and climate change. A visually spectacular story unfolds on a global scale, revealing how the climate first evolved and how it has been endlessly transformed by weather patterns, Ice Ages and the appearance of new life forms.

Recent, man-made climate change will be seen in the context of changes in climate that have occurred throughout the Earth’s history and by looking closely at our planet’s place in the Solar System.

Floods or droughts, rain or shine, hot or cold; it all occurs within the remarkably thin veneer spanning the Earth – the Atmosphere.

Climate: the phenomenon that makes Life on Earth possible.

Victorian Curriculum links


  • The growth and survival of living things are affected by the physical conditions of their environment (VCSSU075) 
  • Sudden geological changes or extreme weather conditions can affect Earth’s surface (VCSSU079) 
  • Some of Earth’s resources are renewable, but others are non-renewable (VCSSU100) 
  • Global systems, including the carbon cycle, rely on interactions involving the atmosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere (VCSSU128) 

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