Activity: Design a device, machine or robot to combat meteorites

Students design a device, machine or robot to combat meteorites that could potentially collide with the Moon.

Craters on the Moon are caused by asteroids and meteorites colliding with the lunar surface. There are many more craters on the Moon compared to the Earth because the Moon has no atmosphere to protect itself like Earth has. This means that the Moon is not protected from potential asteroids and meteorites colliding with the lunar surface, threatening any life on the Moon.

What you need

Various building materials such as bits and pieces around the house including recyclables and/or LEGO, and or various robotic kits.

What to do

1. Design and build a device that will be able to detect, deflect or destroy meteorites and or asteroids from colliding with the Moon or moon base.

2. Use the Engineering design process outlined below to guide you.

Design process:

  • Understand: Gather information about the context including empathising with the user.
  • Create: Brainstorm, build and prototype
  • Refine: Test, use feedback and make the prototype better
  • Share: Communicate and celebrate

3. Where will this device, robot or machine be built relative to the moon base and why?

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