Bugs Alive: A guide to keeping Australian invertebrates

By Alan Henderson, Deanna Henderson and Jessie Sinclair

Goliath Stick Insects, Giant Burrowing Cockroaches and Desert Scorpions are just some of the fascinating invertebrates that are now commonly kept as pets. These amazing animals, and other bugs like them, are becoming increasingly popular as pets, and as displays in schools and zoos.

Bugs Alive! is a thorough and engaging guide to keeping Australian invertebrates. It was written by the staff who maintain the living collections in the beloved Bugs Alive! exhibition at Melbourne Museum.

This guide contains detailed information on lifecycles, breeding and feeding for more than 90 species of invertebrate, plus easy to follow instructions for housing and care. A wide range of bugs are covered, including spiders, scorpions, centipedes, beetles and butterflies.

Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned bug keeper, this book is a must-have guide for keeping Australian bugs alive!

Winner of ARAZPA best book award 2009 and a Whitley Commendation 2008.

Paperback, 188 pages
RRP $29.95 Information on buying our books

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