Five Musicians standing in front of a green wall playing the flute, clarinet, oboe basoon and cello

Peter and the Wolf with Inventi Ensemble

An unforgettable musical adventure through the forest awaits! 

4 to 10
Primrose Potter Salon, Melbourne Recital Centre
Thursday 4 July, 10am & 11:30am

Inventi Ensemble return to Melbourne Recital Centre these school holidays to introduce children of all ages to the magic of music with Prokofiev’s century-old tale Peter and the Wolf arranged by Inventi Ensemble for five instruments.

Five Musicians standing in front of a green wall each holding an instrument, including the flute, clarinet, oboe, bassoon and cello
Inventi Ensemble

 Through the story of young Peter, his grandfather, and their animal kingdom friends the bird, duck, and cat, audiences will explore this classic tale and develop a new appreciation for the music and sounds made by instruments often found in a symphony orchestra.  

With Peter represented by the strings, the bird by the flute, the duck by an oboe, and the cat by the clarinet, this timeless tale of a young boy and his animal friends’ bravery is the perfect way to spend a cold, wintery school holiday morning. 

Join Inventi Ensemble to create your own masks inspired by the tale of Peter and the Wolf. Become the nimble cat, the scary wolf, the singing songbird, or even invent your own character!

Presented by Melbourne Recital Centre


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