Week 3: How will you share your story through an exhibit?

Making your exhibition

Finally, to help you get your exhibitions together listen to Zoe and Emily talking about the different stages of making an exhibition from the excitement of brainstorming and getting the right team together, to the design development stage, to the build  and then the final opening. Listen carefully and identify what they say about the following stages:

  1. Brainstorm- mind maps, excitement and creativity, project brief
  2. Design development -mock up, prototype, testing, storyboard
  3. The build - physical setting of cases, lighting and walls, object placement and sustainability
  4. Opening and tweeks.

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In weeks 1 and 2, you collected and researched a story. This week, you’ll create your exhibit to share that story with others.

Exhibits come in all shapes and sizes, but yours should contain:

  • At least one object (a real thing that you’ve collected);
  • Something sensory (something to hear, touch, smell or taste);
  • At least one picture (printed, collected or drawn) or video;
  • And some writing (maybe a label that you write).

What’s the difference between an exhibit and an exhibition?

An exhibit is a group of things put together to communicate one idea or story. An exhibition is a group of exhibits put together to communicate an even bigger idea or story. Exhibits and exhibitions are both experiences: things that people see, do and feel in space and time.

So, the Museum of Staying Home virtual exhibition is going to contain a bunch of exhibits. Each exhibit will communicate a story by itself, but together, they’ll make a whole exhibition that communicates a bigger story about young people’s experience of staying home.

This virtual exhibition will be 2D (on a screen), but you’ll make your exhibit as a 3D experience, and we’re going to look at lots of 3D exhibits and exhibitions for inspiration.


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