4. What objects do museums collect to capture people's recreation habits?

The William Boyd collection contains objects collected during his childhood. These are just a few from the collection.

  • What do these objects tell us about William Boyd?
  • What objects would you include in your childhood collection?
  • Is one of them something that tells a story about the last three months? (e.g. your pyjamas)

Organising your objects

  • Are there any other objects you want to collect to help tell your story of life in Lockdown?
  • Is there anything you want to make to represent your life in lockdown? E.g, a film, a diorama, or costume?
  • Make sure you have a range of different objects.

Make a list of all the objects you need to help tell your story. 

Turn this list into a chart with three columns under the following headings:

  • What is the name of the object?
  • What’s the story of the object?
  • How are you going to present the object?  


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