3. How do museums capture everyday life?

Objects help tell stories. Have a look at these objects. What stories would they be helping to tell?

Staying well

Small bottle with a black and white label
The Hygienic Inhaler

Man Man on Manus

Person sitting cross legged crocheting a red blanket
Aung Saw Lim (Man Man) Crocheting, Manus Island

Home-made toys

A small model made from household items
Home-made sheep

Household items

Tall upright wooden cupboard
Meat Safe
  • What objects might you choose to describe life during lockdown?
  • What have you been doing to stay well?
  • How have you been passing the time?
  • What have you been eating?
  • What has been different while you have been in lockdown/staying home?
  • Have you made any homemade toys?
  • Got new appliances for the house?
  • Started a craft project?
  • Run a marathon?

Create a table to help organise your thoughts

Use the following headings:

  • What we have been doing since March 23
  • What we used to do
  • What is different and what object will help tell that story
example table
Use a table like this to help you organise your thoughts

Hint: Make sure you represent different aspects of your life e.g. Learning at home. Socialising with friends, family life.


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