Week 2: What objects do you need to tell this story?

This week’s activities are designed to help you choose the objects/artefacts that you might use as the content of your exhibition of staying home.

Collecting objects

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This week’s activities are designed to help you choose the objects/artefacts that you might use as the content of your exhibition of staying home. We will be looking at photographs, diaries, postcards, letters drawings and objects. You might also want to use film/video if you have them. In choosing content for your exhibition make sure you think about all the ways your life has been different during lockdown including learning at home, socialising with friends, and life with your family.

Use the museum resources as a way of thinking about your collection. Check into Museum Victoria’s Collecting the Curve, a living collecting project that shares stories and items about lockdown in 2020, as they are added to the state collection. You will notice that most of the collection consists of photographs of people, places and documents but there are also photographs of objects that have been proposed as collection items such as the badge. What could you add to this collection? Why would it be a significant object?

The following activities should help you decide:

Checklist for week 2

  • Are you ready to put together your exhibition to tell your story for the Museum of Staying Home?
  • Whose story are you telling?
  • Is the story about your experiences or about other people in your family?
  • Have you checked with the people you are including in the story that they are okay to be in the exhibition?
  • Is there someone else’s story that needs to be included in your story?
  • Have you organised photographs? Objects? Drawings/ Letters, postcards, messages?

Write a short narrative describing the story of "Life in Lockdown" that your collection of objects and interviews will tell. (100-500 words) 


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