Voice for Change exhibition to highlight the power of using one’s voice for positive change

Voice for Change, a music documentary series developed by the Mushroom Group featuring Remi, Ecca Vandal, Darcy Vescio, Adrian Eagle and more to feature in a new exhibition at Immigration Museum from 16 March 2019, as part of Cultural Diversity Week.

Voice for Change mentor Krown being interviewed for his Voice for Change Series 2 episode.

Voice for Change is a video series that features some of Australia’s leading and influential urban music, hip-hop and sporting personalities from diverse and multicultural backgrounds, sharing personal stories of their experiences of racism, disenfranchisement and marginalisation, and how they tackled these challenges.

The aim of the series is to promote inclusion, community connectivity and acceptance to young people, particularly those who are at risk of becoming disengaged, so that they can overcome adversity and follow their ambitions.

The exhibition presents ten episodes on a looping screen, giving visitors the opportunity to hear the stories of B Wise, Krown, FlexMami and Mirrah, Majak Daw, Darcy Vescio, Ngaiire, MoMO and P-UniQue, Adrian Eagle, Ecca Vandal and Remi.

Two of the episodes were filmed on location at Immigration Museum, with Remi as part of Blue Black Beatz (view the episode) and at Melbourne Museum, with Ngaiire and P-Unique as part of Nocturnal (view the episode) in 2018. 

Krown is a 20-year-old rapper and songwriter who was born in South Sudan and moved to Australia in 2009. As an emerging artist, he aspires to inspire by making story-telling music with an impact.

"Voice For Change connects the leaders of today with emerging leaders and the next generation and it is an honour to be a part of an exhibition that showcases such a powerful movement with a strong message - the changes made today will make tomorrow" Krown said.

In addition, the Voice for Change documentary series will be accompanied by the “BE” Music Video. This song is the culmination of a series of interactive school workshops which saw students mentored by respected musicians and industry specialists release their own song at the 2019 Australian Open – AO Live Stage. It is a compelling video which captures the student’s journey, growth and confidence in music development and live performance.

Rohini Kappadath, General Manager of Immigration Museum said that the museum was thrilled to be presenting the series.

"Voice for Change is a series that talks about issues affecting young people from diverse backgrounds in an upfront, yet constructive way. We hope that our visitors leave with a greater understanding of the experience of those from multicultural backgrounds and a commitment to be part of positive change within our society."

Voice for Change

16 March–19 May
Community Gallery
Immigration Museum
400 Flinders St, Melbourne
Include with Museum entry
Tickets $0-15

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