Major initiatives for a science-led future

Museums Victoria today announces a new suite of experiences at Scienceworks to prepare the next generation for a world of science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM).

Concept design for Ground Up: Building Big Ideas Together

Two new permanent exhibitions and a suite of parallel programs will transform the capacity of Victorian children to be prepared for a science and technology-led future.

 The new experiences include:

  • $2.5 million STEM exhibition for babies to 5-year-olds focused on construction to introduce small children to real world skills in an unreal space
  • $3.75 million immersive permanent exhibition for secondary school age and beyond, to engage young adults in science through revealing the invisible world of wave forms
  • workshops, outreach programs and professional development resources to support formal and informal STEM education across Victoria.

Museums Victoria is building these new experiences to meet the challenge of a future in which an increasing number of jobs will depend on STEM skills but enrolment in science and technology subjects at schools and universities is decreasing.

Australia's international ranking for achievement of students in maths and science has declined over the past 10 years. Girls, in particular, are excluding themselves from advanced maths and women remain dramatically underrepresented in STEM fields, with only 14% of engineers and only 25% of information technology professionals.

Museums Victoria CEO Lynley Marshall said, “This is a new era for Scienceworks, enabling us to provide creative, stimulating environments that prepare the next generation for the technology and science challenges of the future. From the earliest age, children will be empowered by a belief in their own capacity.

"I'm particularly delighted with the way these experiences have been designed to welcome girls. Research shows girls as young as four are already excluding themselves from STEM careers. Ground Up: Building Big Ideas Together is going to be an environment that ensures they see themselves as future engineers, experimental scientists and innovators.

"Beyond Perception will re-engage teenagers and give them the chance to really own the science space. The visionary team at Museums Victoria is making a powerful contribution to our society, our State and our nation with these forward-thinking new resources."

For more information and images contact:

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Media and Communications Team
Museums Victoria
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0466 622 621

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