Victorian Challenge and Enrichment Series

Museums Victoria is offering a range of programs as part of the Victorian Challenge and Enrichment Series, a series of high-quality extension activities across all areas of the curriculum funded by the Department of Education.

Museums Victoria and the Department of Education have partnered to provide high-ability students with an opportunity to participate in a range of innovative Museum programs at Melbourne Museum and Immigration Museum.

These programs are FREE for all Government Schools. Students have the opportunity to participate in these programs from Term 2, 2023, until Term 4, 2025.

Over the three years of the series, Museums Victoria will be offering the following programs:

Melbourne Museum

Learning Lab programs  

Students participate in a Learning Lab program followed by an opportunity to visit some of Melbourne Museum’s science galleries and exhibitions including the new Gandel Gondwana Garden and 600 million years: Victoria Evolves to explore the fossil record, and further research their own essential questions.

Exploring Deep Time to Shape a Better Future


Immigration Museum

Students participate in a workshop where they explore how ordinary objects can tell big stories and uncover the many stories featured in the Immigration Museum’s permanent and temporary exhibitions. This program is delivered in school hours.

Four students with workbooks looking in a gallery. 

History Lab (VCES)

Led my a museum educator, students use primary sources to develop critical thinking skills, in this free program for government schools!


How to register

Schools will register their students to participate in activities, as well as coordinate the required parental consent for these activities.

In 2023, places will be filled on a 'first-in, first-served' basis. In 2024 and 2025, schools and students who have not participated in the activity will be given priority access.

Interested families and caregivers of high-ability students should talk to their schools about which activities are the best fit for them.


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