Coding and robotics

The Coding and Robotics Kit is booked out. Bookings for Terms 3 and 4 2025 will be available for request as of May 2025.

The resources in this kit will support educators and assist them in introducing coding and robotics in a playful and developmentally appropriate way. 

This kit is now available for Early Childhood and Lower Primary students and has been redeveloped with new objects and activities.

Suitable for years K to 2
Objects from Coding and robotics outreach kit

This learning kit offers an exciting and practical introduction to coding and robotics, with a focus on creativity and problem solving. Through a presentation of diverse ways to develop computational thinking skills, children will also develop a sense of curiosity about technology and how it will shape our future.

Students are encouraged to explore controlling a robot, sequencing instructions to create an algorithm, pattern recognition and working collaboratively to solve problems.

This kit contains links to VEYLDF learning outcomes and the Victorian Curriculum F-2 Digital Technologies.

The kit can be used to support a visit to Scienceworks or as a stand-alone experience. For further resources, please visit our Early Childhood Web Hub.

VEYLDF and Curriculum links

The kit covers

  • VEYLDF: Outcome 4 - Children are confident and involved learners.
    • Children develop and range of skills and processes such as problem solving, inquiry and experimentation, hypothesizing, researching, and investigating.
    • Children transfer and adapt what they have learnt from one context to another.
  • VEYLDF: Outcome 5 - Children are effective communicators.
    • Childrens begin to understand how symbol and pattern systems work.
  • Victorian Curriculum F-10: Science
    • Science Inquiry: Planning and conducting
      • Students learn that scientific questions and predictions can be investigated safely by following procedures that have sequenced steps (VC2S2I02)
      • Students learn that observations are made using the senses and recorded, including informal measurements, using digital tools as appropriate (VC2S2I03)
  • Victorian Curriculum F-10: Digital Technologies
    • Digital Systems
      • Students learn to identify and explore digital systems including hardware and software components for a purpose (VC2TDI2S01)
    • Data, Information and Privacy
      • Students learn to explore patterns in data and represent data as objects, pictures, symbols, numbers and words (VC2TDI2D01)
    • Creating Digital Solutions
      • Students learn to follow, describe and represent algorithms involving a sequence of steps, branching (decisions) and iteration (repetition) needed to solve simple problems (VC2TDI2C02)


$85 (GST inclusive) for a 2-week loan


Kits will be delivered by post. We pay for posting the kit to you, you pay for return postage. Other arrangements may be possible upon booking.

Please read our booking and cancellation policy before proceeding.

Relevant Robot User Information

This kit includes Bee-Bots and Spheros. Please use the following links to help you solve any problems.

Bee-Bot User Guide

Connecting Sphero BOLT

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