A man with a child on his shoulders walks along a path with the colourful walls to the Children's gallery in the background.

Leave a bequest

“A bequest to the Museums Victoria Foundation is a legacy that has impactful change that transcends our lifetime. Enabling world-leading research, supporting critical STEM education and cultural resilience and so much more - your generosity and vision will drive change for generations to come.” Jon Faine AM, Chair, Museums Victoria Foundation

A gift in your will is a lasting tribute and act of generosity.

Bequests of any size will contribute to Museums Victoria’s future work and will be gratefully received.

You may allow the Museums Victoria Foundation to apply your gift at its discretion or direct it towards a specific purpose, such as: 

  • Education and public programs
  • Increasing access to Museums Victoria for community members experiencing disadvantage
  • Innovative research by the Museums Victoria Research Institute
  • Conserving, protecting and developing Museums Victoria’s collection

Museums Victoria recommends that you seek independent professional advice from a lawyer or financial advisor about your bequest options.

How to leave a bequest to Museums Victoria

Museums Victoria recommends that you seek independent professional advice from a lawyer or financial advisor about your bequest options.

For your convenience, we have prepared the following sample wording for different forms of testamentary gifts that you can discuss with your advisor for inclusion in your will:

I give, free of all duties and taxes, [description of bequest] to the Museums Board of Victoria, trading as ‘Museums Victoria’, ABN 63 640 679 155 for the use and benefit of Museums Victoria at its absolute discretion. The receipt of the CEO, President or other authorised officer shall be an absolute discharge to my executors for the gift.
Description of bequest:

  • “the sum of [amount] Australian dollars”
  • “the residue of my estate” OR “[insert number] percent of the residue of my estate”
  • “the whole of my estate” OR “[insert number] percent of my estate”
  • “[insert number] percent of capital arising from [insert name] charitable trust” OR “[insert number] percent of income arising from [insert name] charitable trust”
  • Details of non-tangible assets (for example, shares)

Contact us

If you would like to discuss making a donation for a specific purpose, opportunities for regular giving or leaving a bequest, we would love to hear from you.

Development Department
Museums Victoria
GPO Box 666, Melbourne VIC 3000
+61 (0) 435 412 644
[email protected]




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