A woman with an auburn afro, and wearing a funky patterned dress, stands in front of brick wall covered in colourful graffiti.

DJ HipHopHoe

Part of Cultural Diversity Week

General information

Although their first love is hip hop - expect the unexpected as DJ HipHopHoe spans genres, decades, moods and sounds in one giant leg-spread.

HipHopHoe (she/he/they) lives, works and creates on stolen Aboriginal Land. Their work is focused on amplifying the stories of First Nations Peoples, LGBTQAI+ peoples, the narratives of the African Diaspora and those otherwise silenced through oppression.

They co-produce the pleasure-centric, multi-city event, Club Sandwich with DJ Charlie Villas. They are also one half of DJ duo, Steam Room in collaboration with Gentle Transitions, with whom they co-founded grassroots production company, ShitList Productions, and events like DYKE and Return of the MAQs.

This event is presented in collaboration with City of Melbourne 


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