Waves of Migration
- What
- Museum Staff-led
- When
- Terms 1 to 4, Monday to Thursday
- Duration
- 45 minute workshop, 45 minute gallery visit
Curriculum links & Accessibility & Access Fund - Year level
- Years 9 to 10, VCE
- Maximum student numbers
- Maximum 50 students
- Cost
- $9 per student + education service fee
- Booking information
- Bookings 13 11 02
In this curriculum-aligned program, secondary History students use artefacts and documents to learn about Australia’s immigration history and waves of migrations.
Students will experience
- Interacting with museum artefacts and documents to discover key details of the waves of migration to Australia.
- Sharing ideas with team members.
- Reporting back findings to the class.
- Building a chronology of Australian immigration policies over the last 230 years.
- Following a classroom session, visit museum galleries to consolidate learning from the classroom session.
Students will learn
In the classroom session, students will learn about
- How push and pull factors have determined the waves of migration.
- The role of government immigration policies on Australian society.
- The attitudes of society on immigration to Australia.
- The significance of immigration on Australia’s history.
In the galleries, students will use a booklet to:
- Build on their learning in the classroom session.
- Examine the effects of each wave of migration on different groups in society.
- How Australia’s immigration policies have changed over time.
Students will be provided
- A booklet to take back to school which will guide them through the galleries and to record their findings.
Students will need
- Pen or pencil.
Victorian Curriculum links
History Levels 9 and 10
- Significant events, ideas, people, groups and movements that contributed to continuity and change in Australian society between 1750 and 1914
VC2HH10K09 - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples’, local-born colonists’ and migrants’ experiences and perspectives of continuity and change between 1750 and 1914
VC2HH10K10 - continuities and/or changes caused by a major global influence, development and/or event after 1945
VC2HH10K39 - causes and consequences of significant post-1945 world events, ideas and developments, and their influences on Australia after 1945
Intercultural Capability: Levels 9 and 10
- how diverse cultures, including their own, influence one another in a range of contexts and how this impacts identity and a sense of belonging and inclusion
VC2CI10C01 - ways in which intercultural relations and intercultural experiences are influenced by policies and practices of a range of institutions
VCE History
- Unit 3 and 4: Australian History - Creating a nation (1834–1913)