A film theatre with museum exhibits in the left and right hand side of the screen.

Seeking Refuge Museum Staff-led

Museum Staff-led
Terms 1 to 4, Monday to Wednesday
45 minutes workshop, 45 minutes gallery visit
Year level
Years 9 to 10, VCE
Minmum student numbers
Minimum 15 students
Maximum student numbers
Maximum 30 students
$9 per student + education service fee
Booking information
Bookings 13 11 02

Stories of asylum seekers, displaced persons and refugees.

Individuals have sought refuge in Australia for more than 100 years. This interactive program uses stories from the museum exhibitions to investigate the experiences of individuals who were forced to leave their homeland.

Students also investigate the history of legislation relating to the settlement of displaced persons in Australia using documents and individual profiles from the collection in the Museum.

Following the session, students visit the permanent exhibition galleries, exploring historical perspectives and the personal stories of seeking refuge. They are provided with a student booklet to record their findings. 

The workshop session introduces the key ideas and definitions: 

  • Human Rights 
  • Asylum Seeker 
  • Refugee 

This program is most suitable for students with a basic understanding of Australian immigration history.

Victorian Curriculum links

  • Civics and Citizenship: Level 9 and 10
  • Humanities – History: Level 10
  • Intercultural Capability: Level 9 and 10

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