Seeking Refuge Virtual
- What
- Online
- When
Terms 1 to 4, Monday to Thursday
9:30am, 11am and 1pm - Duration
- 45 minutes
Curriculum links & Accessibility & Access Fund - Year level
- Years 9 to 10
- Minmum student numbers
- Minimum 30 students
- Maximum student numbers
- Maximum 100 students
- Cost
- Full virtual learning pricing information
- Booking information
- Bookings 13 11 02
In this online program, secondary students learn about personal stories of refugees and asylum seekers through the museum’s collections, Australia’s immigration policies and UN Declaration of Human Rights.
Students will experience
- Stories of displaced peoples, asylum seekers and refugees from the museum’s collections.
- Presentation of key ideas, terminology and the process of seeking refuge in the Australian context.
Students will learn
- Key ideas and definitions including refugee, asylum seeker, internally displaced person, human rights.
- About key institutions and legislation including UN, UNHCR, Refugee Convention, Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
- An outline of the process for an individual who is seeking refuge.
- About a range of people across time and locations who have sought asylum to Australia.
Students will need
- Pens or pencils and paper to make notes on.
Other key information
- This program is delivered as an interactive virtual session on Microsoft Teams.
Victorian Curriculum links
History Levels 9 and 10
- significant developments and events since 1945 that have contributed to global change, such as World War II, the United Nations, the Cold War and technologies
VC2HH10K03 - the origins and significance of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, including Australia’s involvement in the development of the declaration
Civics and Citizenship: Levels 9 and 10
- the Australian Government’s roles and responsibilities at a regional and global level, including diplomatic relations in the Asia-Pacific region
VC2HC10K04 - the influence of a range of media, including social media, in shaping identity and attitudes to diversity
Intercultural Capability: Levels 9 and 10
- how diverse cultures, including their own, influence one another in a range of contexts and how this impacts identity and a sense of belonging and inclusion
VC2CI10C01 - ways in which intercultural relations and intercultural experiences are influenced by policies and practices of a range of institutions
Header Image Painting: Watercolour, 'SIEV IV: Children Overboard', by artists Saif Shamkhi.
2014 Photographer: Jon Augier. Museums Victoria Collection. Donated by Saif Shamkhi.