Our Stories Museum Staff-led
- What
- Museum Staff-led
- When
- Terms 1 to 4, Monday to Thursday
- Duration
- 75 minutes (30 minutes staff-led, 45 minutes gallery visit)
Curriculum links & Accessibility & Access Fund - Year level
- Years 3 to 4
- Maximum student numbers
- Maximum 30 students
- Cost
- $9 per student + education service fee
- Booking information
- Bookings 13 11 02
Led by a museum educator, primary students discover migration stories and learn about different cultures by interacting with objects in this curriculum aligned program.
Students will experience
- A range of cultural histories by interacting with museum objects.
- Discovering immigration stories and a First Peoples story, through hands on learning
- Working in small groups and sharing ideas with peers.
- Reporting back findings to their class.
- A visit to the museum galleries after the staff led education program to build on the information discovered in the classroom session.
Students will learn
- About the Hmong community and the impacts of Vietnam War from a hand-made embroidered banner.
- About Eva Schubert, a World War Two European refugee to Australia through her hand carved wood panel.
- About Phoebe Nicholson, a Barapa Barapa and Wamba Wamba Elder and the cultural life of her community through her possum skin cloak.
- How to use objects to make connections to their own family histories.
Students will be provided
- All students will be provided with an education resource to guide them through the galleries with activities to complete in the galleries to complement the classroom session.
Students will need
- Pen or pencil.
Victorian Curriculum links
History: Levels 3 and 4
- the significance of Country and Place to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Peoples who are connected to their area
VC2HH4K01 - causes and consequences of changes in a local community and the contributions and experiences of people from diverse backgrounds to a local community
VC2HH4K02 - ask a range of historical questions to identify evidence of the experiences of people in the past VC2HH4S01
- describe perspectives of people from the past based on evidence from primary sources
VC2HH4S04 - describe the significance of symbols, emblems, individuals, events and developments
Civics and Citizenship: Levels 3 and 4
- diversity of cultural, religious and/or social groups to which they and others in the community belong, and their importance to identity
Intercultural Capability: Levels 3 and 4
- similarities and differences among diverse cultures, including their own, and how cultural communities foster a sense of belonging and inclusion
VC2CI4C01 - understandings that can be gained from intercultural experiences, including a critical perspective on, and respect for, diverse cultures, including their own