Many Stories Self-directed
- What
- Self-directed
- When
- Terms 1 to 4, Monday to Friday
- Duration
- 60 minutes
Curriculum links & Accessibility & Access Fund - Year level
- Years 5 to 6
- Maximum student numbers
- Maximum 55 students
- Cost
- $7 per student + education service fee
- Booking information
- Bookings 13 11 02
In this self-guided program, primary students explore the museum’s permanent exhibition to investigate Australian immigration history, immigrant stories and intercultural experiences.
Students will experience
- Permanent exhibition content through objects, artefacts and interactives.
- Immigration stories and Australian history from a range of perspectives and time periods.
- Intersecting stories of First Peoples and migrants starting from Deep Time to present day.
- An introduction to the museum by a staff member and a booklet to record their findings.
Students will learn
- About immigrant journeys to Australia.
- Reasons people have migrated to Australia.
- Individual immigrant stories across the last 230 years.
- Procedures for immigrants arriving in Victoria.
- First Peoples’ stories of culture and history.
Students will be provided
- A booklet to guide them through the galleries and for them to record their findings, with related activities to complete back at school.
Students will need
- Students will need to bring a pen or pencil.
Victorian Curriculum links
History: Levels 5 and 6
- the role of significant individuals or groups, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, local-born colonists and migrants, on the development of or events in a colony
VC2HH6K05 - the causes for people migrating to Australia from Europe and Asia, including their experiences and perspectives, and their impacts on Australian society during the 20th century
VC2HH6K09 - significant contributions of individuals and groups, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples and migrants, to changing Australian society
Intercultural Understanding: Levels 5 and 6
- how identity can be influenced by one or more cultures
VC2CI6C01 - how attitudes, beliefs and behaviours can affect intercultural experiences positively or negatively, considering empathy and inclusion, discrimination and stereotyping