Four students with workbooks looking in a gallery. 

History Lab (VCES)

Museum Staff-led
Terms 1 to 4, Monday to Thursday
45 minute staff-led
45 minute gallery visit
Curriculum links & Accessibility & Access Fund
Year level
Years 7 to 10
Maximum student numbers
Maximum 30 students
Free for government schools as part of Victorian Challenge and Enrichment Series
Booking information
Bookings 13 11 02

Led by a museum educator, students use primary sources from the museum’s Migration and Diversity Collection to develop historical and critical thinking skills, in this free program for government schools!

Students will experience

  • Analyse primary source material and create their own historical questions for personal inquiry.
  • Access digital content from museum experts on the significance of historical study.
  • Develop historical and critical thinking skills in a museum setting.

Students will learn

  • How objects can be used to investigate key historical moments and perspectives from the past.
  • About the significance of historical study for the present day.
  • About the place and significance of site of Immigration Museum in learning about colonisation in Victoria.
  • About the range of migrant stories that tell a complex story of Australia as a nation today.

Students will be provided

  • A booklet to take back to school which will guide them through the galleries and for them to record their findings.

Students will need

  • Pen or pencil.

Other key information

  • This program is designed for high ability students.

Victorian Curriculum links

History: Levels 7 and 8

Historical Concepts and Skills

  • develop and use historical questions to inform historical investigations
  • explain the features, content and context of historical sources
  • explain the perspectives, beliefs, values and attitudes of people and groups based on evidence from a range of sources
Critical and Creative Thinking: Levels 7 and 8

Questions and possibilities

  • the construction of a main question and sub-questions for different purposes
Intercultural Capability: Levels 7 and 8

Culture, Identity and Belonging

  • change in cultures, including their own, in a range of contexts, and how this influences identity and a sense of belonging and inclusion
History: Levels 9 and 10

Investigation: The globalising world (1945–present)

  • causes and consequences of significant post-1945 world events, ideas and developments, and their influences on Australia after 1945
  • different historical interpretations and debates about changes and legacies of a major global influence, development and/or event, including on Australian society

Historical concepts and skills

  • formulate, refine and use historical questions to inform historical investigations VC2HH10S01
  • analyse the purpose, features, content and context of historical sources VC2HH10S03
  • analyse the perspectives, beliefs, values and attitudes of people and groups based on evidence from a range of sources VC2HH10S05
Critical and Creative Thinking: Levels 9 and 10

Questions and possibilities

  • the construction and adaptation of questions to suit different contexts
Intercultural Capability: Levels 9 and 10

Culture, Identity and Belonging

  • how diverse cultures, including their own, influence one another in a range of contexts and how this impacts identity and a sense of belonging and inclusion

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