Painting of sailing ship Marco Polo by Thomas Robertson, 1859

Documenting the Voyage

Terms 1 to 4, Virtual program
Monday to Wednesday
9:30am, 11am & 1pm
45 minutes
Curriculum links & Accessibility
Year level
Years 3 to 4
Maximum student numbers
Maximum 100 students
Virtual Program$90 per 30 students + booking feeView cost information
Booking information
Bookings 13 11 02

Students will learn about George Allen’s story, created from the first account letters found in the Immigration and Diversity collection.

data-ccp-parastyle="Normal (Web)">The story will profile the life of a newcomer to the colony of Victoria in the 19th century and address curriculum outcomes for Humanities at levels 3 and 4.

The online session will be supported with a detailed pre-session activity program and follow up tasks.

This program is offered as a Virtual session.

Any questions? See our Frequently Asked Questions

Victorian Curriculum links

  • Humanities
  • Literacy
  • Capabilities: Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Intercultural

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