Deep Time Paradigm

How can new understandings of geologic deep time transform the future of Earth? 

Earth’s lifespan–from the oldest rocks to the dinosaurs, to the rise of mammals, and the evolution of our species, is roughly 4.6 billion years. Gradually over eras, continents have drifted, the climate has changed, and species have adapted to survive.

In the last 60 years alone, humanity’s impact on the planet has rapidly and fundamentally altered the physical, chemical and biological systems that all life depends on. What can we learn from the geologic processes that shaped the natural world to help us build sustainable and resilient ecosystems in the present and future? How can embracing our place in the grand scheme of deep time better inform our shaping of the future human experience?

Timed with the opening of the new Gandel Gondwana Garden permanent gallery, an expert panel (see below) of futurists, geologists and First Nations knowledge holders discuss our deep past and longest living culture on earth, offering a vision for a more sustainable future.

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