​Levinebalia maria, a new genus and new species of Leptostraca (Crustacea) from Australia

G. K. Walker–Smith

Memoirs of Museum Victoria Vol 58 (1) p. 137–148 (2000)



The genus Paranebalia historically contained three species but with the discovery of a new species from southeastern Australia a new genus, Levinebalia, has been erected for Paranebalia fortunata Wakabara, 1976 and L. maria sp. nov. (type species). Species of Levinebalia differ from Paranebalia in: having the surface of their eyes smooth; lacking a setal brush on the mandible incisor; having smooth pleopod peduncle margins and having crenellations on the margin of pleonites 5, 6, and 7. The margin of pleonite 5 is smooth in Paranebalia. Of significance is antenna 2 of Levinebalia. It has several rows of small and medium–sized spines and patches of tiny spines on the third peduncular article and flagellum. In addition, Levinebalia maria has conical sensory structures proximally on the third peduncle article. The conical sensory structures and spines on antenna 2 have not been observed in any other genus of Leptostraca.


Walker–Smith, G.K., 2000. Levinebalia maria, a new genus and new species of Leptostraca (Crustacea) from Australia. Memoirs of Museum Victoria 58: 137-148. http://doi.org/10.24199/j.mmv.2000.58.7


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