Grants and funding

Current Projects

  • Past Wrongs, Future Choices: Museums Victoria and Immigration Museum is a key partner in an international creative research project Past Wrongs, Future Choices (PWFC); a $7.5 million seven year project involving a team of 80 researchers, teachers, archivists, librarians and museum curators across five continents, and connecting 40 universities and museums in Canada, Brazil, Australia, Japan and the United States. PWFC is the first to connect the histories of the mid-20th century internment, dispossession and displacement of people of Japanese descent in allied countries through the Americas and the Pacific. The project is hosted by the Centre for Asia Pacific Initiatives and Centre for Global Studies at the University of Victoria in Canada, and is made possible through a $2.8 million grant from the Canadian government (SSHRCC).
  • Picturing Australian Citizenship: the power of images in shaping Australia: Museums Victoria and Immigration Museum are collaborating on a project led by University of Western Australia, to examine how images have historically and culturally defined, contested and advanced notions of Australian citizenship.
  • A National Framework for Managing Malignant Plastics in Museum CollectionsHow can we predict and increase the lifespan of malignant plastics?
  • Testing Co-Evolutionary Processes Driving Venom Diversity in Tiger Snakes: Investigating a range of tiger snake venom related questions.
  • Fison and Howitt Papers Project: Looking at nineteenth century anthropologists Lorimer Fison and A.W. Howitt’s accounts of Indigenous culture and historical encounters between Indigenous and European settlers.
  • Wild Australia Show (1892-93): Producing an authoritative and original interpretation of the Wild Australia Show, which was staged by a company of Aboriginal people around Australia between 1892 and 1893.
Phd Biology student, Katie Smith, recording frog calls beside a lake in a wetland environment at dusk.
Lupita Bribiesca, Phd candidate, presenting a talk as part of the 'Meet the Scientists' program at Melbourne Museum Theatre.

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