Plastic Free Kinglake

The Kinglake Neighbourhood House hosts group sewing bees to make Boomerang bags.

Detail of fabric screen printed with a logo
Kinglake Boomerang Bags

This active group makes and distributes reusable bags and aims to reduce, or even stop the use of plastic bags within our region. The group have regular house parties to sew, and take home packs are always available.

Boomerang Bags is a worldwide organisation with over 300 local groups in Victoria. This group covers Kinglake West, Pheasant Creek, Kinglake Central and Kinglake proper.

The bags are distributed free through the Kinglake Neighbourhood House Op Shop, Post office and the Library. This action helps to minimise waste that goes to landfill as well as reducing harm to wildlife. Fabric and cotton thread is always needed. The local Op shop in Kinglake and the Library are drop off points

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