
We’ve turned two of our much-loved collection items from the Immigration Museum into puzzles. Select your level of difficulty and away you go!  

Robbie the Robot

Robbie the Robot looks like a robot, but is it a robot? Robbie is not a true robot. Robbie does not have any ‘sensors’ and can’t be programmed to do things for us. But Robbie is still pretty impressive! Robbie was built in the 1950s by a teacher for students to imagine what the future might look like. What do you think your future will look like?

Easy (6 pieces) | Medium (20 pieces) | Hard (42 pieces)

Satin Bowerbird

The next time you visit the Forest Gallery at Melbourne Museum be on the look out for the resident Satin Bowerbirds. If you're lucky, you'll see them adorning their bower with blue objects.

Easy (6 pieces) | Medium (20 pieces) | Hard (42 pieces)


Sanbot is a humanoid robot that is fitted with the latest robot technologies. Sanbot can recognize faces, talk to you, sing songs and with its 360 degree movement, has some pretty awesome dance moves! If you’re lucky, you’ll see our resident Sanbot joining in some of our Scienceworks programs.

Easy (6 pieces) | Medium (24 pieces) | Hard (54 pieces)

Blue Whale

Blue Whales are occasionally seen off the Victorian coast as they move along migratory routes feeding on krill (tiny shrimp-like creatures). See how you measure up to the largest animal that ever lived next time you’re at the Melbourne Museum!

Easy (6 pieces) | Medium (24 pieces) | Hard (54 pieces)

Mirka Mora's art case

Art case owned and used by Mirka Mora in her art studio in Richmond from the year 2000. The box contains painting materials and a tinted photographic postcard of Notre Dame cathedral taped to the inner lid.

Easy (6 pieces) | Medium (20 pieces) | Hard (42 pieces)

Piano Accordion - Besson, Stradello Dallape, Italy, 1920s

Besson Piano Accordion made by Stradello Dallape in Italy during the 1920s. This accordion was brought to Australia in 1932 by an Italian musician who used it in the band at the Yallourn S.E.C campus until 1943.

Easy (12 pieces) |Medium (28 pieces) | Hard (60 pieces)

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