Privacy collection notice

Museums Victoria First Peoples Cadetship Program 2024

When you express interest in the Museums Victoria First Peoples Cadetship Program, Museums Victoria collects your personal information, that is, your name, date of birth, address, contact details, gender, pronouns, identity, education history, passions, parent/carer name and contact details and emergency contact details, in order to assess your eligibility and confirm your involvement in the Cadetship Program.
You are entitled to update or gain access to the personal information which Museums Victoria has collected about you by contacting Museums Victoria by email: [email protected].

Museums Victoria will store your personal information securely and will not share this information with any other party, except as required or authorised by law.

For more details about how we collect, hold and use personal information including how to access and correct your personal information, please refer to our Privacy Policy, available at


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