Robert McWilliams
Senior Collection Manager, Indigenous Restricted Collections
About me
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I am currently focused on sorting and re-housing the museum’s Australian Indigenous Stone Artefact and Archaeological collections, and am responsible for the management of the men’s Ceremonial (‘Restricted’ Secret/Sacred) Collection. Previously I assisted with the repatriation of Ancestral Remains (2001-03, 2010-16). Between 2005 and 2010 I was employed on a number of projects including Access & Enquiries, and the registration and cataloguing of photographs and manuscripts.
Interests include the history of the museum’s Anthropology/Indigenous Cultures/First Peoples Department (1950>).
Other employment in the museum sector was at the Melbourne Cricket Club Museum (2003-05).
Bachelor of Arts; Diploma of Education; Graduate Diploma Humanities (Archaeology); Honours (Archaeology)
Key publications
The Favaloro Family of Bendigo: The Early Years 1895-1942 (2018)
Resting Places; A History of Australian Indigenous Ancestral Remains at Museum Victoria (2016)