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Maddy Dorevitch

Project Officer

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My experience in the Arts is wide reaching, having worked in arts administration and public programs across organisations of varied sizes and disciplines, from community arts to the performing arts, and now as a Project Officer in the First Peoples department of Museums Victoria.

My interests lie in art history, museums and design, having completed an undergraduate degree in Architecture and a postgraduate Master of Art Curatorship, at the University of Melbourne. I’m passionate about the physical museum space, the intersection of art and design, and arts education and public engagement. But most importantly I love objects and am fascinated by the history and stories they hold, which makes working at Museums Victoria an absolute dream!

My role in the First Peoples department is varied, involving providing project and administration support across the entire department, and specifically to the Department Head. As well as coordinating our regular internal committees and meetings and managing daily finances and admin, I have been working on reviewing and updating our First Peoples policies and procedures to be rolled out across the organisation, including around Cultural Acknowledgments and use of First Peoples spaces in Melbourne Museum. I also offer ongoing support to our Access and Public Programs staff to help deliver projects. A strong focus of my role is to work closely with our two in-house First Peoples advisory groups – Yulendj and the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Advisory Committee (ACHAC). Both groups play a vital role in guiding Museum Victoria’s decision-making across governance, collections management, exhibitions and public programs.

I feel privileged to work in the First Peoples department and with members of the Victorian First Peoples community, and more generally for an organisation that promotes First Peoples’ voices and places their living culture and histories at the core of its practice.


Bachelor of Environments (Architecture), University of Melbourne, 2009-2011

Graduate Diploma in Western Art History & Comparative Literature, New York University, 2012

Graduate Certificate in Art History, University of Melbourne, 2013

Master of Art Curatorship, University of Melbourne, 2013-2015

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