Dr Thomas Rich
Senior Curator of Vertebrate Palaeontology
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Tom Rich, Curator of Vertebrate Palaeontology, Museums Victoria, Melbourne, Australia. A.B. 1964, M.A., 1967, Palaeontology, University of California, Berkeley. Ph.D. 1973, Geology, Columbia University. Citizenship: Australia and United States of America. Married to fellow palaeontologist Prof. Patricia Vickers-Rich AO. Two children, Leaellyn and Timothy.
Together with Patricia Vickers-Rich, received Chairman of the Committee for Research & Exploration of the National Geographic Society Award, 2000.
Professional accomplishments: first to recognise the pseudotribosphenic condition and its significance in mammals in that it defines a major subdivision not previously recognised, found and described the only multituberculates and tribosphenic Mesozoic mammals known from Australia, excavated the first two tunnels to be cut for the sole purpose of recovering fossils, recognised the first features of a non-avian dinosaur adapted specifically for a polar environment.
Qualified mine manager, State of Victoria, Australia. Carried out vertebrate palaeontological fieldwork in North America, Australia, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, Argentina, Antarctica, New Zealand and China. Published 12 books and at least 111 scientific papers.
Ph.D. Geology, Columbia University, 1973
M.A. Palaeontology, University of California, Berkeley, 1967
A.B. Palaeontology, University of California, Berkeley, 1964
Key publications
Rich, T.H., Hopson, J.A., Gill, P.G., Trusler, P., Rogers-Davidson, S., Morton, S., Cifelli, R.L., Pickering, D., Kool, L., Siu, K., Burgmann, F.A., Senden, T., Evans, A.R., Wagstaff, B.E., Seegets-Villiers, D., Corfe, I.J., Flannery, T.F., Walker, K., Musser, A.M., Archer, M., Pian, R., and Vickers-Rich, P. 2016. The Mandible and Dentition of the Early Cretaceous Monotreme Teinolophos trusleri. Alcheringa 40:475-501, xx–xx. ISSN 0311-5518.
Rich, T.H., Kear, B.P., Sinclair, R., Chinnery, B., Carpenter, K., McHugh, M.L. and Vickers-Rich. Serendipaceratops arthurcclarkei Rich & Vickers-Rich, 2003 is an Australian Early Cretaceous ceratopsian. Alcheringa 38:456-479. doi:10.1080/03115518.2014.894809
Rich, T.H., Vickers-Rich, P., Flannery, T.F., Kear, B.P., Cantrill, D., Komarower, P Kool, L., Pickering, D. Trusler, P., Morton, S., van Klaveren, N. Fitzgerald, E.M.G. 2009. An Australian multituberculate and its palaeobiogeographic implications. Acta Paleontologica Polonica 54:1-5.
Rich, T.H., Vickers-Rich, P., Constantine, A., Flannery, T.F., Kool, L. & van Klaveren, N. A Tribosphenic Mammal from the Mesozoic of Australia Science 278:1438-1442.
Chow, M. & Rich, T.H. 1982. Shuotherium dongi, gen. et sp. nov., a therian with pseudotribosphenic molars from the Jurassic of Sichuan, China. Aust. Mamm. 5:127-142.
Projects and events
Collection of polar Cretaceous dinosaurs and other tetrapods from Victoria
Major supporters the Committee for Research and Exploration of the National Geographic Society, Atlas Copco Corporation, Australian Research Grants Committee.
Chairman of the Committee for Research & Exploration of the National Geographic Society Award, 2000, for excellence in research and field exploration
Projects in other areas related to the polar Cretaceous tetrapods of Victoria funded in part by grants and in parts by personal resources.
- Alaska – polar dinosaurs
- Argentina – Cretaceous dinosaurs
- South Africa – Cretaceous tetrapods
- Saudi Arabia – Triassic & Cretaceous tetrapods
Fossil mammals
- China, Jurassic, Cretaceous & Oligocene
- Thailand, Miocene
- France, Eocene
- United States, Miocene & Pliocene
- New Caledonia
Late Precambrian metazoans
- Namibia
- Iran
- Saudi Arabia
Teaching and students
I'm available for student supervision.
Mentored numerous aspiring vertebrate palaeontologists over more than four decades.
Guest lecturer at Monash and Swinburne universities on the topic of Australian mammalian evolution.
On multi-authored papers where T. Rich is a junior author, the author list begins with the word “with”; where he is senior author, the author list begins with the word “and”.
with Jensen, L.C. & Lindgren, F.T. Graphic presentation of computer-derived Schlieren lipoprotein data. Semi-annual Report, Biology and Medicine, Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, California, Fall 1967:85-88.
with Windsor, A.A., Doyle, R.E. & Lindgren, F.T. Automatic accelerations and speed control for an analytic ultracentrifuge. The Review of Scientific Instruments 38(7):949-952.
Second specimen of Alzadasaurus pembertoni. Geol. Soc. Amer. Spec. Pap. 101:330.
Deltatheridia, Carnivora, and Condylarthra (Mammalia) of the early Eocene, Paris Basin, France. Univ. Calif. Publ. Geol. Sci. 88:1-72.
and Rich, P.V. Brachyerix, a Miocene hedgehog from western North America, with a description of the tympanic regions of Paraechinus and Podogymnura. Amer. Mus. Novitates no. 2477:1-58.
and Collinson, J.W. First mammalian fossil from the Flagstaff Limestone, Central Utah:Vulpavus australis (Carnivora: Miacidae). Jour. Paleontology 47(5):854-860.
and Rasmussen, D.L. New erinaceine hedgehogs from North America (Insectivora: Mammalia). Occ. Papers Mus. Nat. Hist. Kansas No. 20:1-54.
21 potential pre-Pleistocene fossil tetrapod sites in New Zealand. Mauri Ora 3:45-54.
and Patton, T.H. First record of a fossil hedgehog from Florida (Erinaceidae: Mammalia). Jour. Mamm. 56:692-696.
Recent fossil discoveries in Victoria. Vic. Naturalist 93:198-208.
with Gillespie, R., Horton, D.R., Ladd, P., Macumber, P.G., Thorne, R. & Wright, R.V.S. Lancefield swamp and the extinction of the Australian megafauna. Science 200:1044-1046.
and Archer, M. & Tedford, R.H. Raemeotherium yatkolai, gen. et sp. nov., a primitive diprotodontid from the medial Miocene of South Australia. Mem. Nat. Mus. Vic. 39:85-91.
and Archer, M. Namilamadeta snideri, a new diprotodontan (Marsupialia: Vombatoidea) from the medial Miocene of South Australia. Alcheringa 3:197-208.
and Archer, M. Wakamatha tasselli gen. et sp. nov., a fossil dasyurid (Marsupialia) from South Australia convergent on modern Sminthopsis. Mem. Qld. Mus. 19:309-317.
and Hall, B. Rebuilding a giant. Aust. Nat. Hist. 19:310-313.
and Rich, P.V. et al. A deceptive Quaternary vertebrate fossil site on the Waipara River, North Canterbury, New Zealand. In: Anderson, A. (ed.) Birds of a Feather: Osteological and archaeological papers from the South Pacific in honour of R.J. Scarlett. New Zealand Archaeol. Assoc. Monogr. 22, BAR Internat. Ser. 62:25-52.
The Early Pliocene Hamilton Fauna. Abs. Bur. Min. Res. Geol. Geophys. Rec. 67:61-62.
with Molnar, R.E. & Flannery, T.F. An allosaurid dinosaur from the Cretaceous of Victoria, Australia. Alcheringa 5:141-146.
Origin and history of the Erinaceinae and Brachyericinae (Mammalia: Insectivora) in North America. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 171:1-116.
and Flannery, T.F. Dinosaur digging in Victoria. Aust. Nat. Hist. 20:195-198.
Austrlia's largest marsupial, Diprotodon, its ancestry, palaeobiology and extinction. Sci. Teachers Assoc. Victoria. Lab Talk Special Feature No. 34:21-26.
and Archer, M. Results of the Ray E. Lemley expeditions. Wakaleo alcootaensis n. sp. (Thylacoleonidae: Marsupialia), a new marsupial lion from the Miocene of the Northern Territory with a consideration of early radiation in the family. In: Archer, M. (ed.), Carnivorous Marsupials. Roy. Zool. Soc. N.S.W., Sydney: 495-502.
with Chow, M. Shuotherium dongi, gen. et sp. nov., a therian with pseudotribosphenic molars from the Jurassic of Sichuan, China. Aust. Mamm. 5:127-142.
Monotremes, Placentals, and Marsupials: their record in Australia and is biases. In: Rich, P.V. & Thompson, E.M. (eds.), The Fossil Vertebrate Record of Australasia. Monash Univ. Offset Printing Unit, Clayton: 385-478.
and Archer, M. et al. Australian Tertiary mammal localities. Ibid.: 525-572.
and Hope, J.H. et al. Literature references to the fossil terrestrial mammals of Australia and New Guinea. Ibid.: 573-594.
and Rich, P.V. Search for fossils in New Zealand and Australia. Nat. Geog. Soc. Res. Reports 14:557-568.
with Burke, A.C. & Gaffney, E.S. Miocene turtles from Lake Tarkarooloo, South Australia. Alcheringa 7:151-154.
and Zhang, Y.-P. & Hand, S.J. Insectivores and a bat from the early Oligocene Caijiachong Formation of Yunnan, China. Aust. Mamm. 6:61-75.
with Rich, P.V. The Central American dispersal route: biotic history and paleogeography. In: Janzen, D.H. (ed.), Costa Rican Natural History. Univ. Chicago Press, Chicago: 12-34.
The ancient butcher Megalania prisca, pp. 38-39; and The largest marsupial Diprotodon optatum, pp. 62-63. In: Quirk, S. & Archer, M. (eds.), Prehistoric Animals of Australia, Australian Museum, Sydney.
and Molnar, R.E. & Rich, P.V. Fossil vertebrates from the Late Jurassic or Early Cretaceous Kirkwood Formation, Algoa Basin, Southern Africa. Trans. Geol. Soc. S. Afr. 86:281-291.
with Chow, M. A new triconodontan (Mammalia) from the Jurassic of China. Jour. Vert. Paleo. 3:226-231.
and Rich, P.V. Search for Gondwana Late Mesozoic Mammals and Birds. Nat. Geog. Soc. Res. Reports 18:643-649.
with Molnar, R.E. & Flannery, T.F. Aussie Allosaurus after all. Jour. Paleo. 59:1511-1513.
with Rowley, M., Rich, P., & Mackay, I. Detection of collagen in Australian fossils by radioimmunoassay and immunoblotting. Abs. Aust. Soc. Immunol. Ann. Meeting, Queenstown, N.Z.
with Rich, P.V. Plesiosauridae, the Andamooka Sea Monster. In: Rich, P.V. & van Tets, G.F. (eds.), Kadimakara; The History of Australia's Backboned Animals. Pioneer Design Studio, Lilydale: 143-146.
Megalania prisca, the Giant Goanna. In: Rich, P.V. & van Tets, G.F. (eds.), Kadimakara; The History of Australia's Backboned Animals. Pioneer Design Studio, Lilydale: 152-155.
with Aplin, K.A. Wynyardia bassiana, the Wynyard Marsupial. In: Rich, P.V. & van Tets, G.F. (eds.), Kadimakara; The History of Australia's Backboned Animals. Pioneer Design Studio, Lilydale: 219-224.
Diprotodon. In: Rich, P.V. & van Tets, G.F. (eds.), Kadimakara; The History of Australia's Backboned Animals. Pioneer Design Studio, Lilydale: 240-244.
and Rich, P., Wagstaff, B., McEwen Mason, J., & Brown, R. 1985. Tetrapods of the Otway Group and Correlatives in Victoria. Otway 85. Earth Resources of the Otway Basin. Mt. Gambier Summary Papers and Excursion Guide. Geological Society of Australia. South Australian and Victorian Divisions. Pp. 25-30.
with Flannery, T. Macropodoids from the middle Miocene Namba Formation, South Australia, and the homology of some dental structures in kangaroos. Jour. Paleo. 60:418-447.
Darcius duggani, a new ektopodontid (Marsupialia: Phalangeroidea) from the early Pliocene Hamilton local fauna, Australia. In: Woodburne, M.O. & Clemens, W.A. (eds.), Revision of the Ektopodontidae (Mammalia: Marsupialia: Phalangeroidea) of the Australian Neogene. Univ. Calif. Publ. Geol. Sci. 131:68-74.
with Woodburne, M.O., Campbell, C.R. & Pledge, N.S. Geology, stratigraphy, paleoecology. In: Woodburne, M.O. & Clemens, W.A. (eds.), Revision of the Ektopodontidae (Mammalia: Marsupialia: Phalangeroidea) of the Australian Neogene. Univ. Calif. Publ. Geol. Sci. 131:75-86.
Four hours hunting fossils in the Simpson Desert. Heritage Australia Spring: 39-41.
Cretaceous kangaroo mimics; Hypsilophodontidae and Camptosauridae. In: Hand, S.V. & Archer, M. (eds.) The Antipodean Ark. Angus & Robertson, Sydney: 40-42.
with Werdelin, L. Daggdjurens liv i dinosauriernas skugga. Forskning och Framsteg Nr 1/87:44-48.
with MacFadden, B.J., Whitelaw, M.J. & McFadden, P. Magnetic polarity stratigraphy of the Pleistocene section at Portland (Victoria), Australia. Quat. Res. 28:364-373.
with Rich, P.V., van Tets, G.F. & McEvey, A.R. The Pliocene and Quaternary flamingoes of Australia. Mem. Qld. Mus. 25:207-225.
and Rich, P.V. New specimens of Ngapakaldia (Marsupialia: Diprotodontoidea) and taxonomic diversity in medial Miocene palorchestines. Chap. 26:467-476. In: Archer, M. (ed.), Possums and Oppossums; Studies in Evolution. Surrey, Beatty & Sons, and the Roy. Zool. Soc. N.S.W., Sydney.
with Flannery, T.F., Turnbull, W.D. & Lundelius, E.L. The Phalangerids (Marsupialia: Phalangeridae) of the early Pliocene Hamilton local fauna, southwestern Victoria. Chap. 30:537-546. In: Archer, M. (ed.), Possums and Oppossums; Studies in Evolution. Surrey, Beatty & Sons, and the Roy. Zool. Soc. N.S.W., Sydney.
with Archer, M. & Tedford, R.H. The Pilkipildridae, a new family and four new species of petauroid possums (Marsupialia: Phalangerida) from the Australian Miocene. Chap. 36:607-627. In: Archer, M. (ed.), Possums and Oppossums; Studies in Evolution. Surrey, Beatty & Sons, and the Roy. Zool. Soc. N.S.W., Sydney.
with Rowley, M.J., Rich, P.V. & MacKay, I.R. Immunoreactive collagen in avian and mammalian fossils. Naturwissenschaften 73:620-622.
with Turnbull, W.D. & Lundelius, E.L. The petaurids (Marsupialia: Petauridae) of the early Pliocene Hamilton local fauna, southwestern Victoria. Chap. 37:629-638. In: Archer, M. (ed.), Possums and Oppossums; Studies in Evolution. Surrey, Beatty & Sons, and the Roy. Zool. Soc. N.S.W., Sydney.
with Turnbull, W.D. & Lundelius, E.L. Pseudocheirids (Marsupialia: Pseudocheiridae) of the early Pliocene Hamilton local fauna, southwestern Victoria. Chap. 40:689-713. In: Archer, M. (ed.), Possums and Oppossums; Studies in Evolution. Surrey, Beatty & Sons, and the Roy. Zool. Soc. N.S.W., Sydney.
with Turnbull, W.D. & Lundelius, E.L. Burramyids (Marsupialia: Burramyidae) of the early Pliocene Hamilton local fauna, southwestern Victoria. Chap. 43:729-739. In: Archer, M. (ed.), Possums and Oppossums; Studies in Evolution. Surrey, Beatty & Sons, and the Roy. Zool. Soc. N.S.W., Sydney.
and Fortelius, M., Rich, P.V. & Hooijer, D.A. The supposed Zygomaturus from New Caledonia is a rhinoceros: a second solution to an enigma and its palaeogeographic consequences. Chap. 47:769-778. In: Archer, M. (ed.), Possums and Oppossums; Studies in Evolution. Surrey, Beatty & Sons, and the Roy. Zool. Soc. N.S.W., Sydney.
with Legendre, S., Rich, P.V., Knox, G.J., Punyaprasiddhi, Trumpy, D.M. & Napawongse Newman, P. Miocene vertebrates from Thai Shell Exploration and Production Company's Nong-Hen-1(A) Exploration Well, Phitsanulok Basin, Thailand. Jour. Vert. Paleo. 18:278-298.
with Lester, K.S., Archer, M. & Gilkeson, C. Enamel of Yalkaparidon coheni (Yalkaparidontia): a distinctive order of Miocene Zalambdodont marsupials. Scanning Microscopy 12:1491-1501.
and Rich, P.V. The early Cretaceous tetrapod assemblage of Victoria. In: Douglas, J. & Ferguson, J.A. (eds.), Geology of Victoria. Geological Society of Australia, Sydney: 240-243.
and Rich, P.V. A juvenile dinosaur brain from Australia. Nat. Geog. Soc. Res. Rep. 4:149.
with Rich, P.V., Wagstaff, B., McEwen Mason, J., Douthitt, R.T., Gregory, R.T. & Felton, A. Evidence for low temperatures and biologic diversity in Cretaceous high latitudes of Australia. Science 242:1403-1406.
and Flannery, T.F. & Archer, M. A second Cretaceous mammalian specimen from Lightning Ridge, N.S.W. Alcheringa 13:85-88.
and Rich, P.V. Polar dinosaurs and biotas of the early Cretaceous of southeastern Australia. Nat. Geog. Soc. Res. Rep. 5:15-53.
with Rich, P.V. High latitude terrestrial paleoenvironments from the Early Cretaceous of southeastern Australia. Abs. 28th Internat. Geol. Congress 2:695.
with Gregory, R.T., Douthitt, C.B., Duddy, I.R. & Rich, P.V. Oxygen isotopic composition of carbonate concretions from the lower Cretaceous of Victoria, Australia; implications for the evolution of meteoric waters on the Australian continent in a paleopolar environment. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 92:27-42.
with Rich, P.V. & Fenton, M.A. The Fossil Book. Doubleday, New York: 740 pp.
and Rich, P.V., Wagstaff, B., McEwen Mason, J., Douthitt, C.B., & Gregory, R.T. Early Cretaceous Biota from the Northern Side of the Australo-Antarctic Rift Valley. In: Crame, J.A. (ed.), Origins and Evolution of the Antarctic Biota. Geol. Soc. London Sp. Pub. No. 47, 121-130.
with Vickers-Rich, P. The Dinosaurs of Winter. Natural History, April: 32-37.
Monotremes, placentals, and marsupials: Their record in Australia and its biases. In: Vickers-Rich, P., Monaghan, J.M., Baird, R.F. & Rich, T.H. (eds.) Vertebrate Palaeontology of Australasia. Pioneer Design Studio in cooperation with the Monash University Publications Committee, Melbourne: 893-1070.
And Archer, M., Hand, S.J., Godthelp, H., Muirhead, J., Pledge, N.S., Flannery, T.F., Woodburne, M.O., Case, J.A., Tedford, R.H., Turnbull, W.D., Lundelius, E.L., Rich, L.S.V., Whitelaw, M.J., Kemp, A. & Rich, P.V. Australian Mesozoic and Tertiary terrestrial mammal locality. Appendix I in Rich, T.H. Monotremes, placentals, and marsupials: Their record in Australia and its biases. In: Vickers-Rich, P., Monaghan, J.M., Baird, R.F. & Rich, T.H. (eds.) Vertebrate Palaeontology of Australasia. Pioneer Design Studio in cooperation with the Monash University Publications Committee, Melbourne: 1005-1058.
with Monaghan, J. & Vickers-Rich, P. Polar dinosaur Down Under. Terra 29(4):22-27.
with Parrish, J.T., Spicer, R.A., Douglas, J.G. & Vickers-Rich, P. Continental climate near the Albian South Pole and comparison with climate near the North Pole. Geol. Soc. Amer., Abstracts with Programs 23:A302.
with Warren, A.A., Kool, L., Cleeland, M. & Vickers-Rich, P. An early Cretaceous labyrinthodont. Alcheringa 15:327-332.
and Rich, P.V., Wagstaff, B.E., McEwen Mason, J.R.C., Flannery, T.F., Archer, M., Molnar, R.E., Long, J.A. Two possible chronological anomalies in the early Cretaceous tetrapod assemblage of southeastern Australia. Chen, P. & Mateer, N. (eds.), Proceedings First Internat. Symp. on Nonmarine Cretaceous Correlations. China Ocean Press, Beijing: 165-176.
with Flannery, T.F., Turnbull, W.D. & Lundelius, E.L. The Macropodoidea (Marsupialia) of the early Pliocene Hamilton Local Fauna; Victoria, Australia. Fieldianna Geol. (n.s.)25:1-37.
with Gaffney, E.S., Kool, L., Vickers-Rich, P., Pledge, N., Archer, M. & White, A. Early history of the cryptodiran turtles in Australia. The Beagle 9:261.
with Constantine, A., Vickers-Rich, P. & Cas, R.A.F. Early Cretaceous fluvial architecture and vertebrate taphonomy of the Strzelecki and Otway Groups, southeastern Australia. The Beagle 9:266-267.
with Dettmann, M.E., Molnar, R.E., Douglas, J.G. et al. Australian Cretaceous terrestrial faunas and floras: biostratigraphic and biogeographic implications. Cretaceous Research 13:207-262.
and Vickers-Rich, P. The Decline and Fall of the Labyrinthodontia. The Beagle 9:263-264.
and Vickers-Rich, P. The Dinosaurs that Came in from the Cold. QANTAS Airways Magazine [January-February]: 38-44. Winner of the Michael Daley award (A$2,000) for scientific journalism written by a non-journalist. Awarded by the Science and Technology Awareness Section of the Federal Department of Industry, Technology and Regional Development.
with Vickers-Rich, P. The ICI Australia Catalogue of the Great Russian Dinosaurs Exhibition 1993-1995. Monash Science Centre, Melbourne: 80 pp.
with Vickers-Rich, P. Wildlife of Gondwana. Reed Books, Sydney: 256 pp. Winner of the 1993 Eureka Science Book Prize (A$10,000) funded by the University of New South Wales Press and the Whitely Award of the Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales.
with Gross, J.D. & Vickers-Rich, P. Dinosaur Bone Infection. National Geographic Society Research Reports 9:286-293.
with Hand, S.J., Archer, M., Godthelp, H. & Pledge, N.S. Nimbadon, a new genus and three new species of Tertiary Zygomaturines (Marsupialia: Diprotodontidae) from northern Australia, with a reassessment of Neohelos. Mem. Qld. Mus. 33:193-210.
with Vickers-Rich, P. Australia's Polar Dinosaurs. Scientific American [July]: 269(1):50-55. Translated into the Scientific American editions in the following languages: Chinese [November 1993: 16-21], French [September-November 1993: 44-49], German [September 1993: 56-61], Italian [September 1993: 18-24], Japanese [September 1993: 46-54], Polish [September 1993: 36-41], Spanish [September 1993: 24-29], Turkish [Eylül 1993: 32-37].
and Vickers-Rich, P. Neoceratopsians & ornithomimosaurs: dinosaurs of Gondwana origin? Nat. Geogr. Res. Explor. 10:129-131.
Leaellynasaura: her life and times. Age Newspaper, Melbourne, Special Feature, 28 March, 4 pages
Significance of Polar Dinosaurs in Gondwana. Abstract in First International Symposium on Gondwanan Dinosaurs: Phylogeny & Palaeobiology. VI Congresso Argentino de Paleontologia y Biostratigraphia. Trelew, Argentina.
and Young, G.C. Vertebrate Biogeographic Evidence for connections of the East and Southeast Asian blocks with Gondwana. Abstract in Palaeomagnetism, Accretion, and Breakup of Gondwanaland, and Geology of Adjacent Areas of Australia. Twelth Australian Geological Convention, Perth.
with Gangloff, R.A. The Application of Modern Tunneling Techniques to the Recovery of Dinosaur Remains from Permafrost. The Dinosaur Report, Fall: 9-10. Translated into Japanese [Dino Frontline (1995) 10:126-127]
Naming a New Genus and Species of Dinosaur on the Basis of a Single Bone. The Dinosaur Report, Fall: 10-11. Translated into Japanese [Dino Frontline (1995) 10:125-126]
with Vickers-Rich, P. I dinosauri polari' Australia. Il Tempo dei Dinosauri. Le Scienze quaderni febbraio 1994, numerio 76, pp. 37-42.
and Vickers-Rich, P. Dino Prospecting in Australia, Alaska and Argentina. The Dinosaur Report, Spring: 11-13.
Dinosaurs of the Poles and Other Prehistoric Creatures from the Polar Regions. Dino Times 5(7):4-5 (July 1995)
with Flannery, T.F., Archer, M. & Jones, R. A new family of monotremes from the Cretaceous of Australia. Nature 377:418-420.
with Currie, P.J., & Vickers-Rich, P. Possible oviraptorosaur (Theropoda, Dinosauria) specimens from the Early Cretaceous Otway Group of Dinosaur Cove, Australia. Alcheringa 20:73-79.
What Next in Australian Dinosaur Research? The Dinosaur Report (Spring 1996):7-9.
with Vickers-Rich, P. & Rich, L. Australia's Lost World. Kangaroo Press Pty. Ltd., Kenthurst, N.S.W. 128 pp.
and Young, G.C. Vertebrate Biogeographic Evidence for Connections of the East and Southeast Asian blocks with Gondwana. Australian Journal of Earth Science 43(6):625-634.
Significance of Polar Dinosaurs in Gondwana. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 39(3):711-717.
with Vickers-Rich, P., Fenton, M.A. & Fenton, C.L. 1996. The Fossil Book. Dover Publications, New York: 740 pp.
with Chinsamy, A., February, E.C., Harley, E. & Vickers-Rich, P. Wood within a polar dinosaur bone. South African Journal of Science. Vol 93. page 48.
Review of "Contributions of southern South America to Vertebrate Paleontology", Gloria Arratia, ed. Copeia 1997:471-472.
and Gangloff, R.A. & Hammer, W. Polar Dinosaurs. In: Padian, K. & Currie, P.J. (eds.), The Dinosaur Encyclopedia. Academic Press. Pp. 562-573.
with Macdonald, R., Macdonald, M.L., Vickers-Rich, P. & Rich, L. The Fossil Hunter's Guide. Kangaroo Press, Sydney (Kenthurst).
and Vickers-Rich, P. Climatic setting of the polar dinosaurs of south-eastern Australia. In: Webb, E. (ed.) Windows on Meterology: Australian Perspective. CSIRO Publishing, Collingwood. Pp. 59-66
with Vickers-Rich, P. The polar dinosaurs of southeastern Australia. Wolberg, D.L., Stump, E. & Rosenberg, G.D. (eds.) Dino Fest International Symposium Volume: 253-257.
and Vickers-Rich, P. Future directions for dinosaur research in Australia. Wolberg, D.L., Stump, E. & Rosenberg, G.D. (eds.) Dino Fest International Symposium Volume, The Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia: 275-277.
and Vickers-Rich, P., Constantine, A., Flannery, T.F., Kool, L. & van Klaveren, N. A Tribosphenic Mammal from the Mesozoic of Australia Science 278:1438-1442.
with Vickers-Rich, P., Rich, L. & Rich, T. Australia's Ancient Backboned Animals. Book 1 in the Little Prehistory Books Series. Kangaroo Press, Sydney (Kenthurst).
with Vickers-Rich, P., Rich, L. & Rich, T. Australia's Dinosaurs. Book 2 in the Little Prehistory Books Series. Kangaroo Press, Sydney (Kenthurst).
with Vickers-Rich, P., Rich, L. & Rich, T. Australia's Ancient Birds. Book 3 in the Little Prehistory Books Series. Kangaroo Press, Sydney (Kenthurst).
with Vickers-Rich, P., Rich, L. & Rich, T. Diprotodon and its Relatives. Book 4 in the Little Prehistory Books Series. Kangaroo Press, Sydney (Kenthurst).
with Vickers-Rich, P., Fenton, M.A., Gopchbev, B.N., Gubin, Y.N., Estsn, D.N., Kalandadza, N.N., Kurochkin, Y.N., Mitchauposa, Y.A., Naysopnach, S.B. & Rosonov, A. Kamennaya Knyga. [Russian Translation and expansion of the second English edition of The Fossil Book]. Moscow.
with Warren, A. & Vickers-Rich, P. The last last labyrinthodont? Palaeontographica Abt. A 247:1-24.
The tyrannt lizard king. Terra: Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County. 6:5-8.
with Chinsamy, A. & Vickers-Rich, P. Polar dinosaur bone histology. Journal of Vertebrate Palaeontology 18:385-390.
with Constantine, A., Chinsamy, A., & Vickers-Rich, P. Periglacial environments and polar dinosaurs. South African Journal of Science 94:137-141.
and Flannery, T.F. & Vickers-Rich, P. Alleged Cretaceous placental from down under: Reply. Lethaia 31:346-348.
with Gaffney, E.S., Kool, L., Brinkman, D.B. & Vickers-Rich, P. Otwayemys, a New Cryptodiran Turtle from the Early Cretaceous of Australia. American Museum Novitates 3233:1-28.
Australia: Vertebrate Paleontology. Pp. 140-149 in Singer, R. (ed.) Paleontology Encyclopedia, Volume 1.
and Vickers-Rich, P. Palaeobiogeographic Implications of Early Cretaceous Australian Placental Mammals. Pp. 107-119 in Sahni, A. (ed.) Gondwanaland Assembly: Current issues and Problems. Indian National Science Academy. Also Indian National Academy of Sciences Proceedings, Part A, 65:315-327.
and Vickers-Rich, P. The Hypsilophodontidae from Southeastern Australia. National Science Museum Monographs No. 15: 167-180.
with Vickers-Rich, P., McNamara, G. & Milner, A. Is Agrosaurus macgillivrayi Australia's oldest dinosaur? Records of the Western Australian Museum Supplement 57:191-200.
and Vickers-Rich, P., Constantine, A., Flannery, T.F., Kool, L. & van Klaveren, N. Early Cretaceous Mammals from Flat Rocks, Victoria, Australia. Records of the Queen Victoria Museum 106:1-34.
with Vickers-Rich, P. & Constantine, A. Environmental setting of the polar faunas of southeastern Australia and adaptive strategies of the dinosaurs. National Science Museum Monographs No. 15: 181-195.
and Vickers-Rich, P., Fernandez, F., Santillana, S. A probable hadrosaur from Seymour Island, Antarctic Peninsula. National Science Museum Monographs No. 15: 219-222.
and Vickers-Rich, P. & Flannery, T.F. Comment in "Divergence Times of Eutherian Mammals", Science on Line, 24 September: 2031a.
and Vickers-Rich, P., Gimenez, O., Puerta, P. and Vacca, R. A new sauropod dinosaur from Chubut Province, Argentina. National Science Museum Monographs No. 15: 61-84
with Vickers-Rich, P., Lanus, D.R., Rich, L.S.V., & Vacca, R. "Big tooth" from the Early Cretaceous of Chubut Province, Patagonia - a possible carcharodontosaurid. National Science Museum Monographs No. 15: 85-88.
with Константин, Э., Чинсами, А., & Викерс-Рич, П. 1999. ПЕРИГЛЯЦИАЛЬНЫЕ ОБСТАНОВКИ И ПОЛЯРНЫЕ ДИНОЗАВРЫ. ПАЛЕОНТОЛОГИЧЕСКИЙ ЖУРНАЛ, 1999, № 2, 59-65
with Cladera, G., Constantine, A., Rich, P. (abstract). Estudio tafonImico preliminar en depIsitos de "Sheetflood" en Mbo. Cerro Castaño de la Fm. Cerro Barcino (Cenomaniano). Chubut, Argentina.
with Vickers-Rich, P. Wildlife of Gondwana: Dinosaurs and Other Vertebrates from the Ancient Supercontinent. University of Indiana Press, Bloomington.
with Murray, P., Megirian, D., Plane, M., & Vickers-Rich, P. The Miocene Genus Neohelos (Marsupalia, Diprotodontidae, Zygomaturinae) from Central and Northern Australia. Records of the Queen Victoria Museum, Launceston 105:1-47.
and Vickers-Rich, P. The Dinosaurs of Darkness. University of Indiana Press, Bloomington. 222 pp. Also Allen & Unwin, Sydney (2001).
and Vickers-Rich, Chinsamy, A., Constantine, A. & Flannery, T.F. Australia’s Polar Dinosaurs. Pp. 323-330 in Paul, G.S. (ed.) The Scientific American Book of Dinosaurs, St. Martin’s Press, New York.
and Vickers-Rich, P., Novas, F.E., Cuneo, P., Puerta, P., & Vacca, R. Theropods from the "Middle" Cretaceous Chubut Group of the San Jorge Sedimentary Basin, Central Patagonia. A Preliminary Note. In Perez-Moreno, B.P., Holtz, T.R., Sanz, J.L., Moratalla, J., Santos, V. and da Silva, C.M. (Eds.). Aspects of Theropod Paleobiology. GAIA special volume.
and Flannery, T. F., Trusler, P., Kool, L., van Klaveren, N. A. and Vickers-Rich, P. A second tribosphenic mammal from the Mesozoic of Australia. Records of the Queen Victoria Museum 110:1-9.
and Flannery, T.F., Trusler, P. & Vickers-Rich, P.V. Corroboration of the Garden of Eden Hypothesis. Pp. 315-324 in Metcalfe, I., Smith, J.M.B., Morwood, M., Davidson, I., & Hewison, K. (eds.) Faunal and floral migrations and evolution in SE Asia-Australia. A. A. Balkema, Lisse.
and Vickers-Rich, P., Trusler, P., Flannery, T.F., Cifelli, R., Constantine, A., Kool, L., & van Klaveren, N. Monotreme nature of the Australian Early Cretaceous mammal Teinolophos. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 46:113-118.
and Flannery, T.F., Trusler, P., Kool, L., van Klaveren, N.A. & Vickers-Rich, P. Evidence that monotremes and ausktribosphenids are not sister groups. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 22:466-469.
and Vickers-Rich, P. & Gangloff, R.A. Polar Dinosaurs. Science 295:979-980.
and Vickers-Rich, P. A Century of Australian Dinosaurs. Queen Victoria Museum, Launceston, Tasmania, Australia and Monash Science Centre, Clayton, Victoria, Australia, 124 pages.
and Vickers-Rich, P. Protoceratopsian? ulnae from Australia. Records of the Queen Victoria Museum 113:1-12.
with Woodburne, M.O & Springer, M. The evolution of tribospheny in Mesozoic mammals. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 28:360-385
and Darragh, T.A. & Vickers-Rich, P. The Strange Case of the Wandering Fossil. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 279:556-567.
with Rauhut, O.W.M., Cladera, G. & Vickers-Rich, P. Dinosaur remains from the Lower Cretaceous of the Chubut Group, Argentina. Cretaceous Research 24:487-497.
with Vickers-Rich, P. Dinosaurs of the Antarctic. Pp. 40-47 in Rennie, J. (ed.) Dinosaurs and other monsters. Scientific American Special volume 14, no. 2. Scientific American, New York.
Terrestrial Fossil Vertebrates of Victoria. Geology of Victoria, 3rd Edition.
And Vickers-Rich, P. Diversity of Early Cretaceous Mammals from Victoria, Australia. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 285:36-53.
and Hopson, J.A., Musser,A.M., Flannery, T.F. and Patricia Vickers-Rich. Independent Origins of Middle Ear Bones in Monotremes and Therians. Science 307:910-914.
and Hopson, J.A., Musser,A.M., Flannery, T.F. and Patricia Vickers-Rich. Response to Comments on "Independent Origins of Middle Ear Bones in Monotremes and Therians”, Science 309:1492c.
with Pridmore, P.A., Vickers-Rich P. and Gambaryan, P.P. A tachyglossid-like humerus from the Early Cretaceous of south-eastern Australia. Journal of Mammalian Evolution 12:359-378.
with Novas, F.E., Valais, S. de, Vickers-Rich, P. A large Cretaceous theropod from Patagonia, Argentina, and the evolution of carcharodontosaurids. Naturwissenschaften 92:226-230.
With Candeiro, C.R.A., Martinelli, A.G., Avilla, L.S. 2006. Tetrapods from the Upper Cretaceous (Turonian-Maastrichtian) Bauru Group of Brazil: a reappraisal. Cretaceous Research 27:923-946.
with Cadeiro, C.R.A., Santos, A.R., Marinho, T.S. & Oliveira, E.C. Vertebrate fossils from the Adamantina Formation (Late Cretaceous), Prata paleontological district, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. Geobios 39:319-327.
with Kear, B.P., Schroeder, N.I., Vickers-Rich, P. Early Cretaceous High Latitude Marine Reptile Assemblages from Southern Australia. Paludicola 5:200-205.
with Stilwell, J.D., Consoli, C.P., Sutherland, R., Salisbury, Vickers-Rich, P.A., Currie, P.J. & Wilson, G.J. Dinosaur sanctuary on the Chatham Islands, Southwest Pacific: First record of theropods from the K-T boundary Takatika Grit. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 230:243-250.
and Piper, K.J., Pickering, D. & Wright S. Further Ektopodontidae (Phalangeroidea, Mammalia) from southwestern Victoria. Alcheringa 31:133-140.
with Piper, K.J., Fitzgerald, E.M.G. Mesozoic to Early Quaternary mammal faunas of Victoria, South-East Australia. Palaeontology 49:1-26.
Polar Dinosaurs of Australia. Museum Victoria Nature Series. Museum Victoria, Melbourne. 40 pp.
with Gaffney, E.S., Vickers-Rich, P., Constantine, A., Vacca, R., and Kool, L. Chubutemys, a New Eucryptodiran Turtle from the Early Crtaceous of Argentina, and the Relationships of the Meiolaniidae. American Museum Novitates 3599:1-35.
with Kear, B.F., Halawani, M.A. Ali, Al-Mufarrih, Y.A., Matiri, A.H., and Masary, A.M. 2007. Preliminary Report on a Vertebrate Palaeontological Investigation of the Middle Triassic Jilh Formatin, Central Saudi Arabia. Saudi Geological Survey Open File Report SGS-OF-2007-2
The Palaeobiogeography of Mesozoic Mammals: A Review. Arquivos do Museu Nacional, Rio de Janeiro, 66:231-249
with Rowe, T., Vickers-Rich, P., Springer, M. & Woodburne, M.O. The oldest platypus and its bearing on divergence timing of the platypus and echidna clades. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 105:1238-1242.
with. Martin, A.G., Poore, G.C.B., Schultz, M.B., Austin, C.M., Kool, L. and Vickers-Rich, P. Fossil evidence in Australia for oldest known freshwater crayfish of Gondwana. Gondwana Research vol. 14, pp. 287–296.
Tunnelling for polar dinosaurs in the High Arctic. Deposits Magazine 16:18-22
and Vickers-Rich, P. Tunneling Into Permafrost For Polar Dinosaurs. Transactions of the Royal Society of Victoria 120:xli-li.
and Vickers-Rich, P. Pp. 13-15 in Gornitz, V. (ed.) Animal proxies, vertebrates. Encyclopedia of Paleoclimatology and Ancient Environments. Springer, New York.
and Vickers-Rich, P., Flannery, T.F., Kear, B.P., Cantrill, D., Komarower, P Kool, L., Pickering, D. Trusler, P., Morton, S., van Klaveren, N. Fitzgerald, E.M.G. An Australian multituberculate and its palaeobiogeographic implications. Acta Paleontologica Polonica 54:1-5.
with Kear, B. P., Ali, M.A., Al-Mufarrih, Y.A., Matiri, A.H., Al-Masary, A.M. Attia, Y. An Upper Cretaceous (Campanian Maastrichtian) actinopterygian fish assemblage from the marginal marine Adaffa Formation of Saudi Arabia. Cretaceous Research 30:1164-1168.
and Li Xiao-bo, Vickers-Rich, P. A Potential Gondwanan Polar Jehol Biota Lookalike in Victoria, Australia. Transactions of the Royal Society of Victoria 121(2):v-xiii.
and Vickers-Rich, P., Flannery, T.F., Pickering, D., Kool, L., Tait, A.M., Fitzgerald, E.M.G. A Fourth Australian Mesozoic mammal locality. Bulletin of the Museum of Northern Arizona 65:677-681.
with Close, R., Vickers-Rich, R., Trusler, P. Chiappe, L.; O'Connor, J., Kool, L. Komarower, P. Earliest Gondwanan bird from the Cretaceous of southeastern Australia. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 29:616-619.
with Trusler, P., Vickers-Rich. The Artist and the Scientists: Bringing Prehistory to Life. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
with Barrett, P., Vickers-Rich, P., Tumanova, T.A., Inglis, M., Pickering, D., Kool, L., Kear, B. Ankylosaurian dinosaur remains from the Early Cretaceous of southeastern Australia. Alcheringa 34:205-217.
with Benson, R.B.J., Barrett P. M., Vickers-Rich, P. First tyrant reptile from the southern continents. Science 327:1613.
with Benson, R.B.J., Barrett P. M.,Vickers-Rich, P., Pickering, D., Holland, T. Response to Comment on "A Southern Tyrant Reptile". Science 329:1013.
with Candeiro, C. R. A. Overview of the Late Cretaceous Biota of the western São Paulo State, Brazil, Bauru Group. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 29:346-363.
and Galton, P.M., Vickers-Rich, P. The holotype individual of the ornithopod dinosaur Leaellynasaura amicagraphica Rich & Rich 1989 (late Early Cretaceous, Victoria, Australia). Alcheringa 34:385–396
with Kellner, W.A., Costa, F.R., Vickers-Rich, P, Rich, L.S.V., Kear, B.P., Walters, M., Kool, L. New isolated pterodactyloid bones from the Albian Toolebuc Formation (Western Queensland, Australia) with comments on the Australian pterosaur fauna. Alcheringa 34:219-230.
and Vickers-Rich, P. Pseudotribosphenic: The History of a Concept. Vertebrata PalAsiatica 48:336-347.
with Vickers-Rich, P., Kozdroj, W., Kattan, F. H., Leonov, M., Ivantsov, A., Johnson, P., Linnemann, U., Hofmann, M., Al Garni, S. M., Al Qubsani, A., Shamari, A., Al Barakati, A., Al Kaff, M. H., Ziolkowska-Kozdrog, M., Trusler, P and Rich, B., 2010. Reconnaissance for an Ediacaran Fauna, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Technical Report SGS-TR-2010-8, Saudi Geological Survey, 1431H, 2010G: 42 pp + colour chart.
with Barrett, P., Benson, R. and Vickers-Rich, P. First spinosaurid dinosaur from Australia and the cosmopolitanism of Cretaceous dinosaur faunas. Biology Letters. Published online 21 June 2011. Doi: 10. 1098/rsbl.2011.0466.
with Woodward, H.N., Chinsamy, A. & Vickers-Rich, P. Growth Dynamics of Australia’s Polar Dinosaurs. PLoS ONE 6(8):e2339. Doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0023339.
With Benson, R.B.J., Vickers-Rich, P., Hall, M. Theropod fauna from Southern Australia Indicates High Polar Diversity and Climate-Driven Dinosaur Provinciality. PLoS ONE 7(5): e37122. = doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0037122\
With Fitzgerald, E.M., Carrano, M.T., Holland, T., Wagstaff, B.E., Pickering, D.,. and Vickers-Rich, P., 2012. First ceratosaurian dinosaur from Australia. Naturwissenschaften, 99(5), pp.397-405.
with Martin, A.J., Vickers-Rich, P., Kool, L Polar dinosaur tracks from the Early Cretaceous of Victoria, Australia: their palaeontological significance and preservational considerations. Alcheringa 36:171-188.
and Vickers-Rich, P. The Palaeobiogeography of Mesozoic mammals, a second review. Pp. 913-934 in Talent, J. (ed.) Earth and Life: Global Biodiversity, Extinction Intervals and Biogeographic Perturbations through Time. Springer, New York.
and Vickers-Rich, P. Australia’s Polar Early Cretaceous Dinosaurs. Chapter 27, pp. 488-503 in Godefroit, P. & Lambert, O. (eds.) Bernissart Dinosaurs and Early Cretaceous Terrestrial Ecosystems. Indiana University Press.
and Li Xiao-bo, Vickers-Rich, P. Assessment of the potential for a Jehol Biota-like Cretaceous polar fossil assemblage in Victoria, Australia. Chapter 28: pp. 504-516 In Godefroit, P. & Lambert, O. (eds.) Bernissart Dinosaurs and Early Cretaceous Terrestrial Ecosystems. Indiana University Press.
with Boles, W.E., Finch, M.A., Hofheins, R.H., Vickers-Rich, P., Walters, M. A fossil stone-curlew (Aves: Burhinidae) from the Late Oligocene/Early Miocene of South Australia. Göhlich, U.B. and Kroh, A. (eds.), Proceed. 8th Internat. Meeting Society of Avian Paleontology and Evolution, pp. 43-62.
With Martin, A.J., Vickers‐Rich, P., & Hall, M.. Oldest known avian footprints from Australia: Eumeralla Formation (Albian), Dinosaur Cove, Victoria. Palaeontology 57:7-19.
with Patricia Vickers-Rich, Andrei Ivantsov, Fayek H. Kattan, Peter R. Johnson, Ashraf Al Qubsani, Wadee Kashghari, Maxim Leonov, Ulf Linnemann, Mandy Hofmann, Peter Trusler, Jeff SmithMITH, Abdullah Yazedi, Ben Rich, Saad M. Al Garni, Abdulla Shamari, Adeeba Al Barakati, and Mohammad H. Al Kaff. 2013. In Search of the Kingdom’s Ediacarans: The First Genuine Metazoans on the Arabian Shield. Technical Report prepared by the Saudi Geological Survey, Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: Technical Report SGS –TR-2013-5, pp. 1-21.
with Roger B.J. Benson , Erich M.G. Fitzgerald , Thomas H. Rich & Patricia Vickers-Rich. Large freshwater plesiosaurian from the Cretaceous (Aptian) of Australia. Alcheringa 37:457-461.
Australia’s Age of Dinosaurs. Prestige Booklet. Australia Post, Melbourne. 31 pages
A Tale of Two Tunnels. International Journal of Business and Social Science. 4:273-278.
and Kear, B.P., Sinclair, R., Chinnery, B., Carpenter, K., McHugh, M.L. and Vickers-Rich. Serendipaceratops arthurcclarkei Rich & Vickers-Rich, 2003 is an Australian Early Cretaceous ceratopsian. Alcheringa 38:456-479. DOI:10.1080/03115518.2014.894809
with Vickers-Rich, P., 2014. Dinosaurs of Polar Australia. Pp. 46-53 in Dinosaurs!. Scientific American Books. New York.
Why so few dinosaurs? Australian Geographic September-October 41.
and Li Xiao-bo, Vickers-Rich, P. Assessment of the potential for a Jehol Biota-like Cretaceous polar fossil assemblage in Victoria, Australia. Deposits Magazine. pp. 14-19.
with Sharp, A.C. Cranial biomechanics, bite force, and function of the paranasal sinus in Diprotodon optatum, the largest ever marsupial. Journal of Anatomy 238, no. 4., xx–xx. ISSN 0311-5518.
and Hopson, J.A., Gill, P.G., Trusler, P., Rogers-Davidson, S., Morton, S., Cifelli, R.L., Pickering, D., Kool, L., Siu, K., Burgmann, F.A., Senden, T., Evans, A.R., Wagstaff, B.E., Seegets-Villiers, D., Corfe, I.J., Flannery, T.F., Walker, K., Musser, A.M., Archer, M., Pian, R., and Vickers-Rich, P. The Mandible and Dentition of the Early Cretaceous Monotreme Teinolophos trusleri. Alcheringa 40:475-501, xx–xx. ISSN 0311-5518.
Australia’s Polar Cretaceous mammals. Deposits Magazine 50:18-24