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Museums Victoria staff are involved in research that covers the breadth of our extraordinary collection, curatorial practice, education and public programming, conservation, and museum practice.

Man holding a fossil

Natural Sciences

Our Sciences department staff, students and volunteers research many questions about the diversity and origins of the fauna and geology of Australasia and surrounding oceans. 

Alice Cannon

History and Technology

Our History and Technology Curators, Collection Managers, Research Students and Volunteers all work towards making our Social History collections and associated data relevant, understood and accessible.

Kimberley Moulton

First Peoples

The First Peoples Department is responsible for education, public programs and events as well as maintaining, researching, curating, developing, and displaying the First Peoples Collections.

Library and Records & Archives

Library and Records & Archives staff manage and provide access to a rich, varied and historic collection of published works and primary source materials related to and informing the Museum’s history, research, collections and exhibitions.

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