Kindergarten child in a wheelchair engaging with the cast of a dinosaur skull during the 'Dinosaurs and Fossils' outreach program.

Accessibility & Inclusion Action Plan

2024 – 2027

Museums Victoria has a new Accessibility & Inclusion Action Plan for 2024–2027. This plan outlines the main priorities for Access and Inclusion across the whole organisation. The plan will lay the groundwork for the long-term process of embedding universal online and onsite access. It will do this through a clear strategy and monitored actions, shared across all areas of Museums Victoria.

By the end of this plan period, Museums Victoria aims to have achieved:

  • Establish clear consultation processes with Deaf, Disabled, and Neurodivergent people across Museums Victoria. Ensure that their input informs the planning of major projects and upgrades. This consultation will also guide the design of exhibitions and the recruitment of new staff.
  • Ensure feedback processes are accessible, integrated and monitored. The plan will support the reporting and follow up of access issues and enquiries, from all channels.
  • Provide regular and relevant disability inclusion training for all Museums Victoria employees. Monitor the impact of this training on both staff and visitors.

Our Accessibility & Inclusion Action Plan 2024–2027 is available in a range of formats below:

Downloadable PDF

Print Friendly Version

Plain English pdf

coming soon

Downloadable word document

coming soon

Plain English word document

coming soon

Easy English

coming soon

Auslan Video

This Accessibility & Inclusion Action Plan has been in development since 2021, as a replacement for the previous Disability Action Plan.

Within Museums Victoria this plan aligns with the Gender Equality Action Plan 2021–2025 (GEAP) and the Museums Victoria’s Workforce Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan 2023-2025.

In 2023 the Accessibility Employee Network held a specific planning day focusing on accessibility and identified some key areas for action that have been incorporated into this organisation-wide Accessibility & Inclusion Action Plan.

The terminology used in the Accessibility & Inclusion Action Plan was developed through a consultation process.


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