Beyond Perception - Year 11 Physics

Students collect information from the exhibition relevant to specific options listed from Unit 2, Area of Study 2.

Beyond Perception–seeing the unseen is an immersive experience that explores the areas of science and technology that rely on harnessing the microscopic and invisible forms of waves. There are five themes throughout the exhibition. They are: Waves at work, Cosmic events, Turbulent encounters, Energetic vibrations and Wrapped in spectrum. These themes support five options from Unit 2, Area of Study 2: What do experiments reveal about the physical world? 

What to do

Using an appropriate electronic device (smart phone, iPod, iPad or digital camera) to navigate through the Beyond Perception exhibition, identify, discuss and record (photos and videos) information relevant to your topic of choice. Topics are listed below.

  • How do instruments make music? (Energetic vibrations)
  • How can human vision be enhanced? (Waves at work, Wrapped in spectrum, Cosmic events)
  • How do heavy things fly? (Turbulent encounters)
  • What are stars? (Wrapped in spectrum, Cosmic events)
  • Is there life beyond the Solar System? (Wrapped in spectrum)

Advice to teachers

This highlights how Beyond Perception exhibition can be used as a stimulating resource to support some of the options listed as part of Unit 2, Area of Study 2. The exhibition offers interactive and immersive experiences that can foster critical thinking, formulate questions for deeper learning, opportunities for further investigation and collaborative discussions. Students are welcome to use the additional resources provided below to include in their assessment task.

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